Okay. So, this is the first student congress in the Philippines hosted by the Philippine Campus Crusade for Christ and it was held in RRC Laguna. It has a theme "Cause. Calling. Commitment. Cojourners for a Lifetime" And who was there? It was a lot of fun, (this is the idea that made me all giddy) because the delegates were movers under PCCC all over the Philippines. Not just in Luzon, not just in Viz, until Mindanao. It was really amazing because it was the first time we were gathered in a CCC event where we were able to meet likeminded student leaders from all over the Philippines.
Yea, and I was with these kiddies from left: me, Ima, Jeriel, Pau representing University of the Philippines Pampanga (photo courtesy of Jeriel)
We also met the awesome Pastor Joe Mauk doing the "Top Show". You can check it out on YT,
Pastor Joe's St Bernard, Sally. (St. Bernard, right?)
Ima met two other girls w/ same names. Amazing, right?
My devotional grpmates on our first night. :)
Doing what we need to do.
Oopsie, seems like you can't take every food w/o conviction you'd eat 'em all. :D
The girls swinging wearing our campus CCC shirt.
Pau. Zzzz
UP Pampanga's plan. :)
The Wedding.
We had tons of fun and learning and we're all praying we could bring it all back to our dear campus. Glory to Christ alone. :)
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