Monday, 9 March 2015


"Almost 7, 000 languages exist in the world today. More than 1, 800 have no Bible, New Testament, or any portion of the Scripture. StoryRunners exists to help these unreached people groups hear the gospel in a format they understand: oral storytelling."

Last February 25, we had a Gospel-sharing/storytelling seminar entitled StoryRunners in the Philippine Campus Crusade for Christ office. This was done with the heart to equip students from different colleges and universities in sharing the Gospel with the use of different Bible stories.

It was studied that 2/3 of the people all over the world learn better through auditory techniques, and most people are more engaged to listen to stories, so with the knowledge of these, StoryRunners ministry sought to seize this opportunity to share Jesus in a way that can accommodate to the learning style of most people. It is also a way to reach out to different tribes!!

The way the ministry works is that coaches tell the stories to a person from a group/tribe, and eventually this person will translate the stories into their own tongue. By faith, these people who first heard the Gospel would be able to share it with others from their group, who would share this to others also.

For the Metro Manila training, we've had 102 delegates who attended the seminar. We learned how to use stories and dramas. It was only a day of training so we weren't able to learn other techniques, but this ministry also teaches how to use songs and other literary techniques to share Bible stories, and a full course-training lasts for 3-4 days (if I remember it right).

I have learned from this seminar the importance of being creative in sharing the Gospel, in that, if we really would want to win people (and all kinds of peoples for that), we could think of and use different ways to share the Word. This is still in obedience to Jesus's command for us to "Go and make disciples of all nations..." (Matthew 28:19-20). Ain't it an exciting adventure to just share God's love to all the nations?!

The awesome delegates!

Want to learn more about StoryRunners? Visit this cool website:

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