Thursday, 15 August 2013

Playing Silence

A just wondering post...

Well, last week, I was cramming in reviewing for a quiz, and I badly wanted to focus on whatever I was studying. The bad thing in cramming though, is that you're trying to hurry to catch up with time (that you wasted and let go), while information is not that easy to be understood as when you have enough time to, you know, ponder and study your lessons. So, in short, I was having a bad time understanding whatever it was I was studying while running after time... and worse? humans around.

I like studying or spending time in the building's visiting area because the air's pretty cool out there but the heartbreaking part is I cannot completely study there because it was so noisy, with the noise coming from the building's citizens. Result: ultra mega bad mood.

And because my already bad mood was already overlapped with difficulty in understanding whatever I was studying, I wanted to freak out in front of all of these people and tell them "Can't you see I'm studying? Will you guys shut up?!" with a matching awesome walkout back to our apartment unit. But, of course, those are just the things of the "id", as Freud coined it. My "superego" prevented me from doing anything silly, and so, certain things ran through my mind, and one of them is the prayer for silence. 

Is there any music called SILENCE?

That when you put your earphones on and play it, there would be nothing but silence?

That when you take one of the earphones off from one of your ears, the noise would resume, and that when you put it back to your ear, there would be total silence.

And, what would happen if you raise the volumes of "silence"? Oh well, thoughts! I mean didn't anybody else think of that before, I guess somebody would have already imagined that.

Would anybody buy an album, entitled "The No Music Music"? From which people would hear different arrangements of silence.


Anyway, in some Psychology studies, they use a, I think, static sound, a very, very loud one to eliminate all other sounds, but I don't like the feels of that...

Another thing, there's a study, I can't remember from where was that, wherein the experimenters tried to limit the use of senses of the subjects and what happened was the subjects hallucinated, so I think it is not a perfect idea to actually eliminate sounds, right? But still!

Sometimes, we just need the feeling of being able to depart from other things to be able to do what we ought to do, right right right? We humans need to experience being with ourselves, not always, but on some times. So, it's really good if there is this amazing stuff like this!

Oh well, but of course, the main lesson I learned here is not being able to create silence, which is, actually not my forte--inventing. I learned that I should study earlier, especially when I got enough time.

Randorm thoughts.

Just wondered, anyway...

1 comment:

  1. There is, actually, an arrangement dedicated to silence:

    Kaso you'll have to use noise-cancelling headphones if you don't want any noise coming in. You can borrow mine, kaso mine has only like 15-20% noise cancellation stuff in it
