Monday, 31 July 2017

Dim Lights

(a "currently" kind of post)

= the skies have been changing their hues
 sometimes with a chance of rain
 together with a couple of teardrops
 or a bright shiny yellowy day
 in tandem with your tricky smiles

= time has made good out of its run
 never tired and always forward
 calling me to go after it 
 spoiling itself when it's not eating me up
 avoiding trivialities and always about

= the questions have all been used up
 willing to complete the whole of life a series
 with the answers still finding their way
 to be tossed up and to appear
 one day, always unexpected

= craving for freedom and beauty
 when realities fall somewhere in between
 imagination and memory
 when all is a haze and a daze
 while waiting for what follows after "therefore"

Saturday, 1 July 2017


Not quite sure for how much longer
Will this space keep on urging me
To fill it back in with the piece it's missing

Not quite sure for how much further
Would the time be for me to see
What's waiting beyond the series of nows

Not quite sure for how much deeper
Will the pain keep on growing within
Lacking needed remorse and gentleness