I just wanna testify how great God has been working in my life, as in my life as a whole, these days!
I AM A COLLEGE STUDENT and a Psych major for that, so basically, my life is filled with papers, readings, reports, exams, and whatever else.
I AM A FRIEND, needless to say, I must spend time with my beloved friends and I must be careful to spend time with all o'em that I still see them and I am still updated with their thingies in life. Ha ha
Also, I AM A STUDENT LEADER. I serve the Lord through sharing the Gospel to other people, and at the same time discipling and teaching other student leaders like me. :) Yey, this is the tough job really because this is my full-time ministry and I have to live it, but this is what I enjoy the most.
And of course, I AM A DAUGHTER who needs to do some chores at home, well, and at the same time, a daughter who needs to spend quality time with her family. Yeps.
And lastly, I AM AGIRL hahaha who does a lot of other things like reading novels, watching movies, writing stuff, searching/surfing random things, and all of these are musts!
Probably for others this is just a portion of they're commitments in life, but for me, this life is SOOO FULL, well, figuratively, but also literally. I have to fit all of these in my limited 24/7 schedule, while still being able to get some sleep. Beyond these, I have other commitments as well, like attending the church, attending the choir practices, paying the apartment bills, etc.
Recently, I have been very busy, well, this is just a bit of my sched these past days
22-Psych 155 exam
23-Bible studies & church
24-deadline of short papers
25-checkout for seminar with mentor (Ate Beth)
26-the seminar: Student Leaders' Meeting (for which I was one of the facilitators) & evaluation of the SLM
27-REVIEW. Today is review (break muna, net-net lang)
28-Interview student leaders in UP Diliman
29-2 reports (Abnormal Psych & Field research in Psych)
30-Bible studies & church
And look, what I am doing now!
(Different Subjects)
Well, I do not make them sound like they are ALL really heavy commitments because some of them are not that much, but hey, hello, they keep me busy and almost cut the ties in my brain, but praise God I am STILL normal.
My main point in all of these is that God is in control. what keeps me going, what keeps me on saying "yes" to different commitments is the knowledge that God makes things possible and as according to Paul in his letters to Philippians (4:13), I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me as long as these things are His will.
Ever since I started surrendering my time and energy to the Lord, step by step, He started changing me and that included how I manage my time. It is not easy to escape the tempting flashy things of this world, lots of times, I spend my time slouching in front my laptop, doing nonsense but one time, He made me realize doing these things lead me nowhere. They're not really bad things as they are but if they lead us to disregard priorities, then they're not helpful. And then,"magically" (people would call it, I call it "naturally" if you are a child of God), He changed me, I started being interested with my studies, but it doesn't come in a click, it comes slowly, slowly being changed by God. I started to see the importance of doing tasks in accordance to priorities. And then, this tight schedule fitted all my whatsoevers easily! :)))))
I praise God for this, and I believe that He is doing these things in our lives if we just notice He is just right there and allow Him to take control. Yeheeey.
I LOVE YOU, LORD. And I am inspired to labor with and for You.
Sunday, 27 January 2013
Sunday, 20 January 2013
Last Friday
Oh and uh, we just watched the movie Les Miserables (The Poor) last Friday, January 18, 2013, two days after it premiered here in the Philippines. Well, I was with my lowerclassmen friends (they're in 2nd yr college, and I'm in 3rd yr, but we hang out sometimes because I've got lotsa classes with them, long story why), and Soleil treated me! Yipee, because she just celebrated her 18th bday last December! I say this is such a lovely birthday blowout.
Please watch this film if you haven't yet! Well, because the production was so ambitious and smooth. The adaptation was good and the gist of the story isn't cropped. I must say I found the casting good. Anne Hathaway and Amanda Seyfried are both revelations, since they do not do much of this kind. Hugh Jackman nailed it! Well, of course, the beloved Eponine character, Sam Barks did well as she did on Broadway.
I was thrilled when I found out that Les Mis has its musical film adaptation, and its at the time when the story is still fresh in my memory. I have read the book more than or almost (not sure) a year ago, and I say that I was very touched by the humility and the grandness of the book. What to say? Victor Hugo was one of the primed writers of his time. Anyways, I haven't watched the Broadway musical yet, but every now and then I watch the clips and the song numbers on YT. I just love it really, and then comes this film!
Some photos and snaps (I do not own them):
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Look at these photos! :) they sure did a good job on this, didn't they? Looks a lot same. |
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Anne Hathaway as Fantine singing "I dreamed a dream" |
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Look! Helena Bonham-Carter's there as Mrs. Thernadier. What not to love? |
If you have a knack for classical, musical, historical stuffs, surely you'll love this.
PS, I blog one time big time most of the time, because of only two reasons:
1. I spend a week in Pampanga w/ nothing to say, and w/ no internet connection
2. I feel lazy most of the time.
How many times to find that one?
Since the holidays season that has just passed, I've been digging films which were supposedly for the vacation period, but because I've been doing other things, and sometimes don't feel like watching, I wasn't able to watch some of the films I downloaded. And I believe that to watch a movie, you have to be in the mood for the genre.
Mostly, I searched for "Most blanks" or the "Top blanks of the decade". And during the vacation I had these genres on my list: Musicals (old/new/indie/mainstream), Superhero films (because I feel like being a kid), Love Stories (not really romantic films. Those are different), Suspense/Detective, and Award-winning films. Well, it sounds like I've downloaded or watched many films, but not really. Haha. Those were just the genres on my search list.
And then I got across the film "Once" starring musicians Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova. I found out that that song Falling Slowly sung by Lee de Wyze and Crystal Bowersox in AI came from this movie. Grabe, this song makes you remember your debts. I mean it like the old people do.
What I loved about it is that they are both non-actors and just legit musicians, and it was obvious but I think it was really great. Hehe :) And I've just learned that they had this low-budget film adapted into a Broadway musical! I don't know much abt it yet, but I think it lovely. I hope to watch more movies like this! (giddy giddy)
Since the holidays season that has just passed, I've been digging films which were supposedly for the vacation period, but because I've been doing other things, and sometimes don't feel like watching, I wasn't able to watch some of the films I downloaded. And I believe that to watch a movie, you have to be in the mood for the genre.
Mostly, I searched for "Most blanks" or the "Top blanks of the decade". And during the vacation I had these genres on my list: Musicals (old/new/indie/mainstream), Superhero films (because I feel like being a kid), Love Stories (not really romantic films. Those are different), Suspense/Detective, and Award-winning films. Well, it sounds like I've downloaded or watched many films, but not really. Haha. Those were just the genres on my search list.
And then I got across the film "Once" starring musicians Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova. I found out that that song Falling Slowly sung by Lee de Wyze and Crystal Bowersox in AI came from this movie. Grabe, this song makes you remember your debts. I mean it like the old people do.
I downloaded it like weeks ago, but I've only got to watch it two nights ago. The film is lovely. I mean lovely. It is very plain and simple and the soundtracks (mostly written by Hansard and Irglova as well) were superb (too much praise. ehem). This film is an indie musical, and uh, a love story. When you say it is a love story it is something about love and it can be about anything. The film is about a week of two strangers who met and journeyed with music. Well, I don't wanna tell so much because when I watched it I didn't know anything about it, but I'll post snaps from the film na lang. And mind me, it is not your typical love story that has kissing scenes and what-not's. Ok, spilling a lot.
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First they met. :) Hihi. I just had to post it because I think the setting was lovely. |
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They're about to sing Falling Slowly! |
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Just some stroll. |
(photos are not mine)
Saturday, 5 January 2013
Journey to Being Lady Kate... ehem
Every move I make, every step I take (these past few days), something keeps on bugging me: BEING A LADY. Haha. Define "lady", (google google google)
Lady - n. woman regarded as proper or virtuous, a well-behaved young girl
10. Be cheerful (well, I alread have this. OA na nga eh)
Lady - n. woman regarded as proper or virtuous, a well-behaved young girl
From The Free Dictionary
Oh well, no discussions needed, I am far from being that "noun", but I want to be that now. I am eighteen, and I don't feel like I am acting my age. I am acting well, a little years back. I think my age though, I just don't feel like I act it. It's kinda hard to explain.
This thought's been bothering me like forever, I want to be there. Segway: I like to be a little old-fashioned, so I keep saying "being a lady".
So, how? How could I be a lady? I've been having these mental notes of to-stop's and to-improve's and to-be's among my actions so I'll be an official lady. Hahaha. This dilemma is really weird.
Here are my proposed steps:
1. Stop running along the corridors.
2. Stop yelling (be gentle, I mean).
3. Improve laughing (be more lady-like. If you know what I mean)
4. Improve walking (walk like a queen, even if you're almost late [ugggghhhh, can I do this?])
5. Stop thumbsucking (if I can control it)
6. Improve talking (talk like you make lotsa sense and lotsa money [huh?])
7. Be organized.
8. Stop being so emotional
9. Be pleasant to people
11. Would it do if I would go to the CR from time to time and check how I look like?
12. Stop quitting and man (or lady) up
13. Improve self in things I like to do (eg writing, singing, befriending, fashion designing)
14. Improve in learning.
15. Improve eating style (hahahahow?)
I've got other ways that I can hardly put into words. These are the physical manifestations of being a lady for me, if you're not this person, it will be very hard to cope into an all-new set of habits and ways, so there is one key that will reach into the depth of dealing with this journey:
Cheese out. Haha. Well, really, if it's not you, you must want to be it. If it won't come from the heart, it would be useless, somewhere along the road, you'll get tired and get back to where you started. Haha. If it really is coming from within, it will reflect on your outward look. The inward us is the best trigger on how we do things. :)
Being a lady is a tough work especially with these child's minds in us. Haha (Or is it just me?). I think the best reason why I can't get past childhood is I like being there. I enjoy the flexibility, the cheerfulness, the lightness... the humility, honesty and all things that make childhood seem white, but I must kick these flats off me, and wear my heels. It's time! Yea. I really need to convince myself that I'm no more a child. :) Bon voyage!
Friday, 4 January 2013
The Same Stuff As Stars
The first novel I've read this year:
This was the first book Yna, my college bestie, gave me on my 18th bday (just last Oct). First because she gave me two, one was on the exact date of my bday and the other on the celeb. Anyways, I find this book really cool.
Ever since before, I have a knack on the concept of "stars". I just find it so amazing, being so far away and still being there before our very eyes. Haha. Well, I loved this book because of the innocence, dreaminess, and (touch of) realism on it. It is about a little girl who has a nasty little brother (but really is a good boy within) and a mom who isn't responsible enough to take care of them. Their mom left them under the care of their great-granma since she couldn't take care of them and their dad is behind the bars.
The character, Angel, was only 11 and she had to stand up and be the grown-up. I actually felt guilty, while reading this book, because I know that though this is fiction well-written by Katherine Paterson, there are children who really experience these turns in their lives, while I am slouching in front of my laptop, doing nothing really worthy.
Oh well, the magic of the novel is the comfort and the hope Angel finds in the stars, and meeting people who encourages her on learning about stars. :)
What I've noticed with Paterson's writing is that it always has a deep stab on family matters, and on old people. Well, that's what I noticed with the two books by her I read. Can't really judge just w/ those two, right?
I find this book really sweet and simple. A very humble book, yet page-turning, I started this last night and finished it just as I reopened it earlier this night, so this is a really easy read. :)
These are some quotes from the book:
"...people can't always keep their promises. Even when they want to."
"Yeah, we're small, but we aren't nothing."
"The same elements, the same materials that make those stars up there is what makes you. You're made from star stuff."
Wednesday, 2 January 2013
HappyNewYearBoooom! :)
Okay. Hey, 2013. I hope we'll get along well. Yay.
13 New Year's Resolution (no order really):
1. Be a lady (this resolution still has subs on it. Too lazy to write 'em all down, so I guess let's just wait for results)
2. Study more diligently
3. Be more organized
4. Help in the household chores
5. Don't miss a single thing (whatever it is 'cept gossip, I can miss that)
6. Control tongue
7. Read 70 novels
8. Write with passion! (Please, please, please)
9. Treat everyone special everyday.
10. Save money!
11. Limit time spent on internet
12. Love purely, selflessly, honestly
13. MOST IMPORTANTLY, grow more into love in Christ
Well, I don't really know what it means to have um, a NY's resolution. Is it something that we want to see or what we want to do? Well, even my question was confusing. He he. Anyways, I just surrender it all to God. It is never easy to do something, especially when it involves change. Most of the times, we do not need to wait for another year to come for us to get into change, we have to get into it soon as we found out that the sack we're in isn't the right one.
I want to feel an overwhelming and pure joy throughout this year and the years to come. When I look back, it seems like too much happened when it feels like it was just 2012 few days ago, well, life. Hihi.
I guess we just have to make and grab the most out of it.
13 New Year's Resolution (no order really):
1. Be a lady (this resolution still has subs on it. Too lazy to write 'em all down, so I guess let's just wait for results)
2. Study more diligently
3. Be more organized
4. Help in the household chores
5. Don't miss a single thing (whatever it is 'cept gossip, I can miss that)
6. Control tongue
7. Read 70 novels
8. Write with passion! (Please, please, please)
9. Treat everyone special everyday.
10. Save money!
11. Limit time spent on internet
12. Love purely, selflessly, honestly
13. MOST IMPORTANTLY, grow more into love in Christ
Well, I don't really know what it means to have um, a NY's resolution. Is it something that we want to see or what we want to do? Well, even my question was confusing. He he. Anyways, I just surrender it all to God. It is never easy to do something, especially when it involves change. Most of the times, we do not need to wait for another year to come for us to get into change, we have to get into it soon as we found out that the sack we're in isn't the right one.
I want to feel an overwhelming and pure joy throughout this year and the years to come. When I look back, it seems like too much happened when it feels like it was just 2012 few days ago, well, life. Hihi.
I guess we just have to make and grab the most out of it.
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