Saturday, 5 January 2013

Journey to Being Lady Kate... ehem

Every move I make, every step I take (these past few days), something keeps on bugging me: BEING A LADY. Haha. Define "lady", (google google google)

 Lady - n. woman regarded as proper or virtuous, a well-behaved young girl

Oh well, no discussions needed, I am far from being that "noun", but I want to be that now. I am eighteen, and I don't feel like I am acting my age. I am acting well, a little years back. I think my age though, I just don't feel like I act it. It's kinda hard to explain. 

This thought's been bothering me like forever, I want to be there. Segway: I like to be a little old-fashioned, so I keep saying "being a lady". 

So, how? How could I be a lady? I've been having these mental notes of to-stop's and to-improve's and to-be's among my actions so I'll be an official lady. Hahaha. This dilemma is really weird.

Here are my proposed steps:
1. Stop running along the corridors.
2. Stop yelling (be gentle, I mean).
3. Improve laughing (be more lady-like. If you know what I mean)
4. Improve walking (walk like a queen, even if you're almost late [ugggghhhh, can I do this?])
5. Stop thumbsucking (if I can control it)
6. Improve talking (talk like you make lotsa sense and lotsa money [huh?])
7. Be organized.
8. Stop being so emotional
9. Be pleasant to people
10. Be cheerful (well, I alread have this. OA na nga eh)
11. Would it do if I would go to the CR from time to time and check how I look like?
12. Stop quitting and man (or lady) up
13. Improve self in things I like to do (eg writing, singing, befriending, fashion designing)
14. Improve in learning.
15. Improve eating style (hahahahow?)

I've got other ways that I can hardly put into words. These are the physical manifestations of being a lady for me, if you're not this person, it will be very hard to cope into an all-new set of habits and ways, so there is one key that will reach into the depth of dealing with this journey:
Cheese out. Haha. Well, really, if it's not you, you must want to be it. If it won't come from the heart, it would be useless, somewhere along the road, you'll get tired and get back to where you started. Haha. If it really is coming from within, it will reflect on your outward look. The inward us is the best trigger on how we do things. :)

Being a lady is a tough work especially with these child's minds in us. Haha (Or is it just me?). I think the best reason why I can't get past childhood is I like being there. I enjoy the flexibility, the cheerfulness, the lightness... the humility, honesty and all things that make childhood seem white, but I must kick these flats off me, and wear my heels. It's time! Yea. I really need to convince myself that I'm no more a child. :) Bon voyage! 

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