Sunday, 23 December 2012

Cojourners for a Lifetime

Philippine Student Congress 2012 (Dec 19-22, 2012 Rizal Recreation Center, Rizal, Laguna)

Okay. So, this is the first student congress in the Philippines hosted by the Philippine Campus Crusade for Christ and it was held in RRC Laguna. It has a theme "Cause. Calling. Commitment. Cojourners for a Lifetime" And who was there? It was a lot of fun, (this is the idea that made me all giddy) because the delegates were movers under PCCC all over the Philippines. Not just in Luzon, not just in Viz, until Mindanao. It was really amazing because it was the first time we were gathered in a CCC event where we were able to meet likeminded student leaders from all over the Philippines. 

Yea, and I was with these kiddies from left: me, Ima, Jeriel, Pau representing University of the Philippines Pampanga (photo courtesy of Jeriel)
We also met the awesome Pastor Joe Mauk doing the "Top Show". You can check it out on YT,

 The first people we met. :) Cojourners.

 Pastor Joe's St Bernard, Sally. (St. Bernard, right?)
 Ima met two other girls w/ same names. Amazing, right?
 My devotional grpmates on our first night. :)
 Doing what we need to do.

 The wall of present and prayed-for spider charts. Yiha. God bless them all.
 Oopsie, seems like you can't take every food w/o conviction you'd eat 'em all. :D
 The girls swinging wearing our campus CCC shirt.
 Pau. Zzzz
 UP Pampanga's plan. :)
 The Wedding.
We had tons of fun and learning and we're all praying we could bring it all back to our dear campus. Glory to Christ alone. :)

Monday, 17 December 2012

Noon time, sun is high
Deep inside I try
To find the poetry
Lingering in me
My words are dull
I break my skull
Just to find
What I have to write
Nothing comes 
But gentle hums
My heart is quiet
Plain life & death
This minute is bare
From laughs and tears
It's peaceful as sea
Art is a bit wee
Nothing to do
Got no clue
Then came a thought
Provoked by a yawn
Better to slumber
And be a gentle dreamer

Saturday, 8 December 2012

I like wearing black

I like wearing black. Because it's a color comfortable to be in, at least for me. I like being comfortable. I like writing because I'm comfortable with it. I like reading because it makes me relax. I like sleeping, because, of course, duh. BUT

we weren't meant to be comfortable. Life is not a comfy bed. It has thorns and thistles, BUT you must lie on it, because you have no other options, but to be on it. It is never easy. Yes, the comfort zone is not a good place to be. Sometimes, we have to fly (or learn how to do it) even if we are afraid of heights. Most of the times, we have to run wearing killer heels. Uh huh. But I don't mean it literally, it might end your race in a minute if you really run in killer heels. Ha ha!

WHY? Because it is the nature of life. We wouldn't learn if we JUST sit/lie on the bed, browse our FB notifs, be nosy on the FB news feeds, tweet, retweet, google our favorite music icons/actor/actresses and their upcoming shows, or watch their shows online, go to and create a blog and stare at it for 30 minutes because you don't know what to title it, and then, write a new post saying things like these... I meant JUST. We have to do something more. What's that? (Only you know) If these are all we do during our spare time! (O M. I have to be telling myself these things.)

WHY shouldn't we do only these things? Because it will make us fat, especially if doing these things involve eating. I meant all these figuratively, of course.

Hmm... I better sign out, (because I have to meet my sister after her university entrance exam) and take a bath, and? I guess I have to wear something fancy today.

Monday, 3 December 2012

The Lord is great! He is awesome! Who could be more awesome than Him? His love is pure! He is blameless. He is never changing! Celebrate His love and let His statutes be your fortress. God bless you! :)

Sunday, 2 December 2012

Life (sigh)

Life. We always sigh this word whenever we feel like sighing. It's as if we blame it all on this 4-letter word. L-I-F-E. But is it Life's fault? Or is it the people holding Life? Are we the ones holding Life? Or we and the Life are one? I mean... ugh! Okay. Right now, I am so confused. Too confused, I say, there're so much questions and finding the answer is, like, it is so hard. Jesus Christ made a way for me to understand His will, right? He made it possible for me to understand that whatever is going on, He is with me, and He is the only answer! And, of course, I believe in that. That is among all the many things about Christ that gives me comfort. It's just that sometimes, it really is so hard to find God's will in my life. I try to understand what He really wants me to do. Why? Because I want to obey Him. I wanna do something that would bring Him honor and praise. I wanna glorify Him with what I do, that's why, in whatever I do, I seek Him.

That's why, Lord, right now, You know what I am going through. You know the questions lingering in my mind. In Your presence, I know, there is the answer. Despite my cluelessness, I trust in You. I have faith in You. With that, I believe, everything will turn out right. I entrust to You "these" things now. I believe You have the answer. I know... You will never fail me. Thank You, Jesus. -Your daughter :)