Flesh is failing, and the being is accounted for all it has let pass. Supposedly, the days are for words and motions, for realizations and dream-completions, but the being has been betrayed by what it has not given mind of. Now, it all has toppled over.
Tuesday, 27 December 2016
Wednesday, 30 November 2016
First of the last, 16th
It's midnight and I am actually putting off things that, I'm quite sure, should be addressed soon. There's just a lot of things going on and I need the evenings as time for me to pause and look at the life I lived for the day, to pause and look at the life created in other people's minds, to pause and try to figure out what to watch out for when the evening fades. This reminds me of how much I used to hate sleep. Sleep just makes life shorter, and it feels like I'm missing out on things when I doze off somewhere else. I've always wanted to explore and go beyond, that I just wonder if I'd ever acknowledge boundaries. And it feels like time is running--so for me to be able to push through, I dreamt of staying up late.
Today is a different story. I am here wishing there would be enough time for everything, and that there would be enough time to wander in dreams. I feel like I am in dire need of rest. Don't get me wrong though, I'm quite happy and satisfied with all the things in my hands and around me, I just feel like everything can be fast. I love speed and I love how easily I can get myself to another place in short spans of time, but there are times when I need to get a hold on what's happening. I tend to forget I have a beating heart and a breathing soul. I forget they need a while to take it all in. So, I just need to make time for them to get watered up and refreshed so I can battle on again for the day. Sleep isn't the solution for that for me. I don't get refreshed within with sleep. I regress back to my childish desires of wanting to not sleep whenever I have overslept, I have this tendency to hate myself for dozing off, making me miss out so much.
I would have loved the mornings to get on with my reflections, but I always try to catch up on daylight once the sun rises. And besides, the bustle starts early on the day here where I currently am. So, what I have to do is to let them all be off before I could start with my me-moments. I am actually just randomly thinking right now. I don't even know if I have any purpose as such for having these thoughts written, but then, I love my own battle against sleeping. And what I do instead when I miss it out.
I guess that's it for the thoughts tonight.
Today is a different story. I am here wishing there would be enough time for everything, and that there would be enough time to wander in dreams. I feel like I am in dire need of rest. Don't get me wrong though, I'm quite happy and satisfied with all the things in my hands and around me, I just feel like everything can be fast. I love speed and I love how easily I can get myself to another place in short spans of time, but there are times when I need to get a hold on what's happening. I tend to forget I have a beating heart and a breathing soul. I forget they need a while to take it all in. So, I just need to make time for them to get watered up and refreshed so I can battle on again for the day. Sleep isn't the solution for that for me. I don't get refreshed within with sleep. I regress back to my childish desires of wanting to not sleep whenever I have overslept, I have this tendency to hate myself for dozing off, making me miss out so much.
I would have loved the mornings to get on with my reflections, but I always try to catch up on daylight once the sun rises. And besides, the bustle starts early on the day here where I currently am. So, what I have to do is to let them all be off before I could start with my me-moments. I am actually just randomly thinking right now. I don't even know if I have any purpose as such for having these thoughts written, but then, I love my own battle against sleeping. And what I do instead when I miss it out.
I guess that's it for the thoughts tonight.
Friday, 25 November 2016
After a long day (and week) of conversations
and of running and of walking about,
I find myself pondering upon
the mysteries of growth and change.
There is a handful of things
I fail to comprehend,
there is a certain extent of self-contempt
that wracks my chest--
I am lost in a haze,
blinded in a maze.
The days
have been demanding and requiring.
I find myself looking from side to side,
trying to gauge the measure of the path I'm on.
I don't know.
Within the dying hours,
I reflect and fail to understand.
Am I taking any step forward?
Why does it seem like
I am retracting back and again
to the point where I have been
when I was younger?
I feel squeezed in in this being
that doesn't seem to grow.
I need to let myself out.
I need to see who I really am.
Or am I now who I should be?
And the only key to it is acceptance?
It's a wonder, a trick, a riddle.
The self
is the most difficult puzzle
to figure out,
and I want a way to solve it.
Because apart from learning
the real deal within me,
I will be found in sorrow.
How does faith and love grow?
How does hope get into completion?
I don't understand
but what I am most sure of is
that acknowledgment of the state of the heart is
the first step,
all else is a blur,
but I want to say
that the journey is on--
I am going to allow myself
to be more than my confusion and regrets,
my wonders and retraces.
Tuesday, 8 November 2016
Early morning sun rises
To shine through
The lids of the windows---
To coax a sleepy being
Out to stretch its limbs---
As it wonders about
The framework for its design
And as it marvels at
The timeline it is walking in---
Calling to mind
What it has dreamed of
And what it has not meant--
Things beyond its length
Those which slip
It towards to,
And off its ground.
Sunday, 30 October 2016
The Ideal Life
Mode: Blabber
Okay. So. 22.
Yep. Life has been so fast. I feel like I'm understating everything, so... LIFE IS SO FAST. I couldn't find better words to describe how intense and rapid everything is for me at the moment. I am aching for a slow down. Nope, just kidding.
I am 22 for 21 days now, and it feels so odd how I am just 22. Man! How could I be 22? I mean I've waited all my life for this time to happen, and yet here I am marveling at the fact that I'm actually 22. How could that be? I promise not to make sense in this post so...
I've always waited for this age to happen. It feels like when I turn 22, everything will blossom into an even more brighter theme, and that life would be as clear as the skies after a horrible storm. As if there would be a rainbow in it. Or something like that. And here I am gushing over the fact that I am 22 and I'm still a bummer in my bad days, and I am still a loose talker in my good ones. Come on, couldn't I be a better individual uniquely tailored for a beautiful and serene and gentle existence in this aged planet?
And suddenly, everyone else's life looks much more ideal than mine. I mean everyone's that isn't mine. I feel so uncomfortable being in my own skin. I feel like wanting to run from everything and everyone if I could just do it. I feel like dropping stuff off for me to be able to flee from all these wretched circumstances, and however much I want to just be okay with all these things (aka life), I couldn't. And being aware of how I am feeling makes it all the worse. Because of course, my value is to choose to see the beauty in everything. So this existence tantrum is on me.
It's actually very difficult, to be honest. Well, I know, it's just a phase. And while I'm on it, I wanna anecdote it, probably, to remind myself someday that THIS kind of fit happens. I'm having a fit over life, come on. And when I just get to the threshold of all these overthinking and babbling, I would have to just move on. Because this is the time in one's life when the only way is forward. Just one step away or backward could make me trip.
My words could be piercing, my actions could be destructive, and my thoughts could be catatonizing. And if I want to live the type of existence I would want to have, I'd have to make way for my heart to understand that things aren't the way they used to be. This is the time of my life when I'm going to be taken seriously. So everything that I produce would take effect on the creatures and circumstances it is delivered to. In short, I have to be careful. I have to embody the woman that I am, difficult as it is. Because I'm not a little girl anymore. My decisions aren't trial-and-error-based. I am making my life. And I should choose the one which doesn't just give but also reflects the meaning and value of my heart. Because I know that the only way for me to not regret or regress is for me to be who I have really been crafted. It is not who I think I am, not who others think I am or should be, but the one that has been originally blueprinted in my being.
And I guess, at 22, that's the journey I'm taking on. Maybe as the years go by, more questions will come up as some will be answered. Anddd, of course, failures will always be there. Yes, I should be more careful, but it doesn't mean that I wouldn't fall or fail or get hurt or break people. But I could choose to live a life of value and meaning. And I guess, that the only way for me to be comfortable in my own skin is to acknowledge the love that I am worthy to receive and the love that I am capable to give. I have been wonderfully made for the reason of existence for a certain purpose--that which I am about to find out. I don't have to end up with solved puzzles at the end of this year, or even of this lifetime. I have to focus on the journey, and to live this life well.
So, while I'm still on bumming, I have to do some catching up with my own life!
Thursday, 1 September 2016
Barely lit rooms
Bare feet
Turned left
Turning tables
Short breathing
Shortened moments
Wondering on truths
Wonders witnessed
Chest chained
Chests uncovered
Leaves cluttered
Leafing pages
Stretched hopes
Stretches of time
Lying on a couch
Lies to conceal
Worn out heart
Wearing fragments
Bare feet
Turned left
Turning tables
Short breathing
Shortened moments
Wondering on truths
Wonders witnessed
Chest chained
Chests uncovered
Leaves cluttered
Leafing pages
Stretched hopes
Stretches of time
Lying on a couch
Lies to conceal
Worn out heart
Wearing fragments
Thursday, 18 August 2016
Longing is a wonder
The desire for a nonexistent
It is a craving from deep within
An inquiry over profound devotion
Sunday, 10 July 2016
Women Woes
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*deep sigh
I'm trying to figure out what the real score on my orientation, my gender, my design is. I have always thought that my gender is just another one of those characteristics I embody, not anything else that differs me much from the other half of the species of this planet, not anything so huge that could affect my lifestyle and activities... I mean, I have never thought myself distinct from men. I thought that I could do what they do, that it's not exactly different at all; except that I solely prefer men when it comes to romantic involvements, nothing else makes it different for me and them. Well, and of course, all the other biological stuff per se.
But, recently, as I get to know more people and get to know more women and get to know more men, at the phase of my life when I'm already entirely deviated from childhood (in the structure of society), I am having these moments. I feel different from men in a conscious manner. That I cannot be like them, like... them. That I have my own distinct qualities, and they have their own, and I shouldn't try to take over their roles. Or something like that. It's become inexpressible for me, and it brings me to deep thinking on this new aspect of humanity that I am getting exposed to, that I am, or should be, embracing. It's like finding someone within my heart and allowing her to surface. This woman in me, I guess, it's trying to take over.
And it's weird.
I was raised up in a family full of women. Most of the women in my family are single, my mom has been a single parent for more than a decade now. I have been single since I first saw the world. And, I have never thought myself in need of someone to carry my bag for me because I never saw anyone take off the carriage behind my mother. And that kind of modeling proved me that a woman is strong enough to take on the roles of both sexes. Somehow, it's been what I have been modeling myself after as well.
I don't ask for help from men when I'm carrying heavy stuff, I don't need them to open the door for me, to give way for me in the line, to allow me to get in first, and all the other gentlemen stuff. I have never really been a huge fan of those actions because I consider them vanity--steel weights to boost their ego muscles. And I still don't feel like wanting those special treatments, just because I'm a woman and their men. It's weird, I cannot reconcile myself yet to it.
But the environment I'm in encourages me to take this pride on my gender off and allow them to feel empowered, though of course, I don't think that it's the kind of empowerment they need... ugh, I'm going crazy with all these arguments in my head. Of course, people could just easily say, "If you don't want, then don't ask for it. What's the big deal here?"
The big deal is my design and God's purpose for it. I have been realizing that I haven't been acting along the design that I should be in, that I'm trying to free myself from that position where I should be in. And it's not because God wants to limit me, but because He wants to maximize my life to its fullest. And I could only do that if I obey the Lord, and act accordingly.
And one more thing that makes it not good for me to be trying to take over men's roles is that it's because of pride. And nothing else. I don't want anyone to think that I'm in need of them, generally. But I do need people around me. When I'm carrying heavy stuff, they're definitely heavy, and I could use a hand. I fail to acknowledge that I am weak and I have my own limitations because I want people to think I am strong enough to take care of myself. Which may be the case, but not the ultimate. People need people. And I guess this, among all the other things in this planet, is part of the mechanisms in our lives' ecosystem. Our interactions are naturally caused by our designs, our need to be part of something because we're incomplete on our own. We were all designed to complement one another, the humans, the animals, the plants, the air, the everything. The physique of this realm is proof that we're interdependent creatures. And so, failure to comply to our own design destructs the natural flow of this system--if not breaking us or the others around us, puts us into a limit. Imagine a duck taking on the role of a lion, it's not gonna work, it's highly inefficient, it's foolish. A single man who lives in a cave and says that he can live on his own breathes in air, drinks water, and eats from the trees around his place--he still continually interacts with the natural system because he cannot provide air, water, and food for himself from his own body. And I guess, that is how we were designed, we cannot do everything for ourselves.
These are words for myself as I am coming into terms with what on earth I am here for, with the design that I have been made of, with the interactions that come along with it. I haven't really moved on or have changed my own responses to men and to the circumstances that link us, but I am learning. And I realized it's fatal to resist my design. I am fooling no one but myself. I am hindering myself from greater things ahead of me. And, I guess that part of the journey is getting to know myself, and embracing the truth for which I exist.
growing up,
Tuesday, 21 June 2016
Phases Faces Paces
Tila ba mga bulong na walang tinig
Mga guni-guning umaaligid
Hindi mawari para saan pa't may alaala
Lumisan nga ngunit yapak ay nariyan pa
Naririnig ang dating kwentuhan
Mga biro at tawa ay palakasan
"Halika't doo'y samahan mo ako"
"Tara," at iiwan ang inuupuang bangko
At kapag ang araw ay nagdaan,
Sa may karinderya'y mag-aayaan
Bibili ng isang platitong ulam
Na siyang paghahati-hatian
Mga wasak na puso'y tila mga sinulid
Na siyang humahatak mula sa kun anumang gawain
"Ang puso ko ay puno ng pighati"
"Tara, at sa tindahan tayo magpalipas ng gabi"
At pupunuin ng mga pangarap ang puso
Aawit at magbibigay ng mga payo
Na minsan ay kalokoha't katatawanan
Madalas nama'y may aral na kapupulutan
At ngayon, ako ay nasa isang silid
Ang oras ay tumatakbo ng walang pasabi
Sa aking gunita, kayo ay namamasyal
Nananatili, naglalaro, at tila hindi lilisan
Monday, 9 May 2016
People Speak to People
The stretch of time has been visible
Though unfathomable
There has been so much in words
But incomprehensible
And as the whole city is observed
There is a hope beheld
And though there are only angsts
There will be a light upheld
You tell me, 'My fingers are ten'
I ask, so what is it for
I ask you, is there anything you live for
You say, 'My hours are consumed'
There is a heavy and empty banter above
There is thirst and hunger around
There is so much wisdom hanging on paper
Nothing is done to thine wisdom's vapor
One day you will wake up and say
'I have so much words and my fingers are not bent'
And as you look around the steady high tides
Mist will cover the opening of your eyes
Though unfathomable
There has been so much in words
But incomprehensible
And as the whole city is observed
There is a hope beheld
And though there are only angsts
There will be a light upheld
You tell me, 'My fingers are ten'
I ask, so what is it for
I ask you, is there anything you live for
You say, 'My hours are consumed'
There is a heavy and empty banter above
There is thirst and hunger around
There is so much wisdom hanging on paper
Nothing is done to thine wisdom's vapor
One day you will wake up and say
'I have so much words and my fingers are not bent'
And as you look around the steady high tides
Mist will cover the opening of your eyes
Monday, 28 March 2016
I Miss My Dad
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It's been a lot of years now since Daddy passed away. A decade to be exact. I was 11 then, stupid and unaware of the effects of death. It just won't strike you as real or anything big at once, well, at least for me. It didn't happen that way. For all it was, I was wondering more than I was grieving. I found it normal. I found it as something which happens to anyone, anytime. I wasn't the grieving girl type when it happened.
Until the fact struck me. I remember the sad dreams that haunted me months after the event. I cried in my sleep, more of because I hoped the dreams were real. I cry when my mind wakes up, and realizes none of it were true. (When I wake up from a dream, I don't usually automatically open my eyes). The content of the dreams are usually the same, my father returns, an indication that he has already left. And at the end of it, leaves. Usually, he leaves when I am unaware of it, that I'll wander a little, thinking he's gonna be there when I return. Usually, in my dreams, I get lost looking for him. Maybe these are projections of my hopes that he'll still return. Because the grave doesn't look like it's full. It looks like a bed of grass with nothing else beneath it.
When I miss him, I feel like curling into a ball because I want to hug him so badly, but I know I couldn't ever anymore; because my chest hurts so badly, I want to make the pain seize; because I want to be like a little girl again, forgetting everything. There were those quiet sobbing at some nights, trying to conceal the pain. Sometimes the triggers are quite simple, a chocolate bar, a string of beads, a fragrance, a tall man, different things that remind me of him.
They say that time heals wounds, but I realized that the wounds will turn to scars--visible reminders of pain. And though they say scars don't hurt anymore, sometimes, it feels like there are frail scars, they hurt when you touch them. And though it is a decision to move forward and to not dwell on pain, it is human frailty to go back and wish things were different.
I have been healed from the pain, yes. But remembering is just inevitable, especially when someone deeply dear to you cannot be there for you anymore, all you have left are the memories and hopes. And though it is to no avail I hope he returns, I look forward to let him remain in my heart. Moving forward doesn't come with forgetting, shouldn't even. I told myself I should not dwell in the pain of the past anymore, but I concluded that doesn't mean I forget the beauty of it. How could I easily forget the only time I depended on a man? How could I forget that once in my life I have been carried? How could it be easy to unremember that time all I was waiting for was Daddy to appear on the school gates and pick me up?
I am thankful for the turns of events that crafted me to be who I am right now. I am thankful that it didn't go otherwise. I am thankful that everything has been well-orchestrated by my dear Creator. And though I remember, I won't go back and try to remedy things and try to do the improbable and impossible. I am happy to be reminded that my father was a good man who loved me and my siblings so much. I am happy to have had him in my life. Knowing that the Lord's design is for me not to have him in the entirety of my temporary existence, I am thankful that for the first eleven years in my life, I have been taken care of by someone like him. Time is rolling, and the time that I have had no Dad will be longer than the time he was with us, but my desire is to continue to treasure the memory of one of the most beautiful people I have ever met in this life.
Thank you, Daddy. Thank you so much.
Thursday, 17 March 2016
Whatever is...
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As a Christian woman who has been striving to live a life of worship, I would say that the things around me attribute to my being. I am as much of a human as every single one of my co-humans is. Rains happen, summers come, floods rise up, lands get dried... life just simply goes on in a certain manner of difficulty. Honestly, it isn't easy. I like things which are different from what are right, the world around us can be so tempting--we sometimes feel like all we need to do is to go grab and get what it offers.
Despite the strong and aggressive efforts of the world to lure us into temptation though, we should be careful to keep ourselves preserved for the Utmost. We have been bought with a price, that which is more than silver or gold, more than riches or fame.
1 Corinthians 7:23-24, NLT
God paid a high price for you, so don't be enslaved by the world.
Each of you, dear brothers and sisters, should remain
as you were when God first called you.
And that calling started when we received Him, and acknowledged Him as lord and savior over our lives, therefore, that was upon us having been freed from our bond from the world. And the price He paid to buy us from that enslavery was the most precious blood of our dear Lord Jesus Christ. In the same manner, we should sacrificially offer ourselves before Him, trusting His greater plans for us, defying the lusts of the flesh, choosing what is honorable before Him.
Today, as I have thought about it, I have discovered that life wouldn't be easier from here onward. Things will happen, I will get my heart even more broken than I already have, and life will just continue to be life. But I have Him. And I want that to be the only thing that matters, for that to be enough for me. I may not be on that full scale of offering yet, but that is my desire because I know that I would be better off nowhere else than in His arms.
Dear Lord,
I know that the world can be beautiful and glorious before my eyes--the grandiose of all such creation of men is too high it makes me want to climb. But to what will it avail if I follow my flesh and taint my worth off? To what will it avail if I obeyed my own desires and broke Your precious heart? Let me dare not to veer away from Your holiness, from Your orchestrations, from Your truths. Strengthen my heart that I will choose to honor You with whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy in Your sight. I am nothing but a weak being, dysfunctional and demented to my own disgrace, but the price You have placed as my worth makes all things invaluable, crafting me to be nothing else but a woman called, "Yours". Meet my heartbeats with Your plans, and let me love You to my deepest.
Monday, 14 March 2016
"One day, I'll fall in love"
"One day, I'll fall in love"
And the wilted flowers are to bloom
While the storms will dance beneath the sun
The waves will crash the mountain peaks
And the days will never meet the nights
"One day, I'll fall in love,"
Screamed a lady trapped up above
Cried a little boy running in the streets
Said a man living with a paper and the pen
Whispered a woman who knew no one
"One day, I'll fall in love..."
And you will join me in the ride,
Finding out the best is always the next
And the next, and the next, and the next
As long as it's you and me, and that one day next.
And the wilted flowers are to bloom
While the storms will dance beneath the sun
The waves will crash the mountain peaks
And the days will never meet the nights
"One day, I'll fall in love,"
Screamed a lady trapped up above
Cried a little boy running in the streets
Said a man living with a paper and the pen
Whispered a woman who knew no one
"One day, I'll fall in love..."
And you will join me in the ride,
Finding out the best is always the next
And the next, and the next, and the next
As long as it's you and me, and that one day next.
Saturday, 12 March 2016
Saturday Gets Real Stylez*
It's 10 minutes to Sunday, and I am gonna write down some (not-so-)fun facts I've concluded about myself throughout the day.
Note: These facts are stuff about me I am not willing to live wit hfor the rest of this month up until the rest of my life.
1. I cannot comply to routine. In a damaging way.
Let me start by saying it's not cool. Well, it used to be. When life is all about me and me getting to do things I wanna do upon a signal sent from one of my dendrites to its axon to another one of my dendrites to... I mean, it was always by impulse. Well, to cut myself some slack, wise responses to impulses, which only become unwise due to their timing and being random and unplanned. Being chill and doing things unplanned is pretty fun, but not when you're working and living a life of being an adult. My point is that I don't have to live in routine, but I shouldn't live with no routines in. It's making my life totally disastrous to have routines, but it's making me inefficient and ineffective when I fail to comply to routines, which in turn, might (haven't happened in a major way yet) mess up not just my life but everyone else's around me. It would take me years to explain how routine can help, but it sure can... I just have to figure it out.
2. I am more sleepy than restless.
I mean restless as in restless-to-go-and-explore-the-world mood. This is the number 1 saddest fact I have concluded about myself today. It was actually just a few minutes ago when I realized it. I want to be creative and be productive in response to it, but no, my mind has a lot of things it wants to work on, but it just ends up wanting to sleep more than do something that might be world-changing (Gina Linetti mode on). Look, I have these dreams of being an artist of words in some way, but it seems like I'm ready to flip them all over for a good night's sleep (or even an afternoon nap). And I am so dreamy (which might be from me being always sleepy), I don't understand why I cannot be more passionate and driven.
3. I don't like going anywhere on Sundays.
Okay. For people who know me, this might sound surprising. But for people who really really know me (which I think are just me and God (and God's not counted because)), this is a fact. Sunday is like an extension of Saturday to me. On Saturdays, I get really hazy from watching movies/TV series, reading, getting cozy, and all that stuff which lead me to being up late on Sundays, which lead me to being so annoyed at the idea of being somewhere else than bed on a Sunday morning. And the anticipation of a week ahead makes me want to have Sunday all for myself alone. I know, I know, I know. It's not good. I have to learn how to rest, and rest in the Lord in this context. And I am going to fight this off. I will. I will. I will.
4. I've got more mirror neurons than I should have.
I really have to stop my mirror neurons before they get me into trouble. Mirror neurons are those responsible for humans imitating and going after the people they actually like. Not "like like", just "like". This is the ones that would best explain how having a role model works and maybe even fangirling. So, I have this very easy way of imitating voices and even moves. And recently, I have been finding Gina Linetti soooo adorable. //Gina is from Brooklyn Nine Nine, a series I am currently SO in love with, to the point that I am cooking a post about Amy and Jake, one of its couples. *Plus to the point that I made a reference about it on my Stylez up there, plus the one in #2//. Gina is so adorable, I want to reenact her into my real life. And I feel like I've been blatantly sarcastic in the past few days (I'm normally sarcastic, but in a more gentle manner if not secretly), just like Gina is. Now, I hope it's just her adorable fashion I would channel.
Phew. It is not easy to have these traits eliminated, but at the very least, I hope to have them managed and controlled.
Note: These facts are stuff about me I am not willing to live wit hfor the rest of this month up until the rest of my life.
1. I cannot comply to routine. In a damaging way.
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Let me start by saying it's not cool. Well, it used to be. When life is all about me and me getting to do things I wanna do upon a signal sent from one of my dendrites to its axon to another one of my dendrites to... I mean, it was always by impulse. Well, to cut myself some slack, wise responses to impulses, which only become unwise due to their timing and being random and unplanned. Being chill and doing things unplanned is pretty fun, but not when you're working and living a life of being an adult. My point is that I don't have to live in routine, but I shouldn't live with no routines in. It's making my life totally disastrous to have routines, but it's making me inefficient and ineffective when I fail to comply to routines, which in turn, might (haven't happened in a major way yet) mess up not just my life but everyone else's around me. It would take me years to explain how routine can help, but it sure can... I just have to figure it out.
2. I am more sleepy than restless.
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I mean restless as in restless-to-go-and-explore-the-world mood. This is the number 1 saddest fact I have concluded about myself today. It was actually just a few minutes ago when I realized it. I want to be creative and be productive in response to it, but no, my mind has a lot of things it wants to work on, but it just ends up wanting to sleep more than do something that might be world-changing (Gina Linetti mode on). Look, I have these dreams of being an artist of words in some way, but it seems like I'm ready to flip them all over for a good night's sleep (or even an afternoon nap). And I am so dreamy (which might be from me being always sleepy), I don't understand why I cannot be more passionate and driven.
3. I don't like going anywhere on Sundays.
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Okay. For people who know me, this might sound surprising. But for people who really really know me (which I think are just me and God (and God's not counted because)), this is a fact. Sunday is like an extension of Saturday to me. On Saturdays, I get really hazy from watching movies/TV series, reading, getting cozy, and all that stuff which lead me to being up late on Sundays, which lead me to being so annoyed at the idea of being somewhere else than bed on a Sunday morning. And the anticipation of a week ahead makes me want to have Sunday all for myself alone. I know, I know, I know. It's not good. I have to learn how to rest, and rest in the Lord in this context. And I am going to fight this off. I will. I will. I will.
4. I've got more mirror neurons than I should have.
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I really have to stop my mirror neurons before they get me into trouble. Mirror neurons are those responsible for humans imitating and going after the people they actually like. Not "like like", just "like". This is the ones that would best explain how having a role model works and maybe even fangirling. So, I have this very easy way of imitating voices and even moves. And recently, I have been finding Gina Linetti soooo adorable. //Gina is from Brooklyn Nine Nine, a series I am currently SO in love with, to the point that I am cooking a post about Amy and Jake, one of its couples. *Plus to the point that I made a reference about it on my Stylez up there, plus the one in #2//. Gina is so adorable, I want to reenact her into my real life. And I feel like I've been blatantly sarcastic in the past few days (I'm normally sarcastic, but in a more gentle manner if not secretly), just like Gina is. Now, I hope it's just her adorable fashion I would channel.
Phew. It is not easy to have these traits eliminated, but at the very least, I hope to have them managed and controlled.
Monday, 7 March 2016
Authencity is the best form of beauty
With all the perceptions of beauty, talent, intellect, and stuff that make people admirable, I am deeply concerned about people who are being shaken by the "What's-up" and the "What's-cool" stuff that they tend to prefer trendiness over authenticity. Everyone wants to be liked.
What makes a person beautiful? What makes a person smart? What makes a person talented? What makes a person admirable? If I have every single human in this planet answer these questions, surely, I'd get tons of perceptions and opinions which are totally irrelevant to determining a person's worth. And if in that case, they're all gonna be irrelevant then why should I still ask? Just to prove that there's no such thing as stan...dards!!! a phenomenon I'm so annoyed with. People who know me deeply would understand that I perceive standards as completely destructive lists that tend to summon people to try to become who they are not (if someone could just hear the snappiness of my tone, they would know how this is suffocating for me). My desire is for people to understand their worth apart from other people's judgments.
Authenticity is beautiful. For the record, it is not just a cliche statement people have used to comfort people who are perceived not to have it all, it is true and man... it is just true. I've never seen anyone who is just being his/her true self ugly, no matter who they are or where they coming from. I actually find it brave and beautiful. It makes me appreciate the diversity among humans, and the preciousness of each one. I find it uglier (sorry for the word, but) when people try to be who they're not. It makes me puke, it makes me want to go on life coaching them.
Preach, Skate, preach. Hear ya. But seriously, I know I am imperfect and most times I have this little pot of envy boiling within me towards other people who seem to have it all, but then I look back to how I was crafted and I realize that it is vanity and to futility to try to be like someone else because I am from a completely different makeup, with completely different gifts, social circles, upbringing, and all these that piece our identity. Trying to fit in to the point of conforming is a fruit of wanting to be desired, it is ego at work.
It is not sheer incompetence that people copy other people and plagiarize other people's crafts, it is from a high level of insecurity that people try to come up with the same stuff other people already came up with. It is a declaration that they don't know who they are or what they can do, they just end up going through the same thing other people have already done--thinking they would be liked better using other people's intellect under their names.
It is not merely jealousy that people try to beautify themselves the way the society thinks people should be beautiful, it is a mixture of the lack of knowledge about one's personal identity and the lack of confidence on who they really are. Things which if I try to tie up, I would not get to the end of.
Getting admiration and affection from someone is a great thing. It is among our many human needs. But we don't need everyone's approval to fill in that need. What is the difference of getting the greater mass's approval from getting only a handful's, but whose thoughts for the authentic you are authentic feelings--which most likely will last? Big. Sure, it's fun to get all the other people notice and praise you, but at the end of the day, you're replaceable with all the other clones that the society's standards produced. Compare it to being liked by very few people whose affections are deeper and truer, this is definitely priceless. It's the fact of being loved and being found with a worth when you least expect it, when you're in your rawest.
They say there's no new thing under the sun, and how's that? I'm not saying you try to come up with something new. Originality doesn't equate to authenticity. Authenticity is being who you truly are. And there might be others who are like you, and it doesn't mean that you're imitating them just because you ended up with the same interests and style. I'm just saying for you to live according to who you really are. And it's beautiful if we all just stop caring (because sadly, some people will continue judging), but practice the beauty and fearfulness of our inner to outer selves.
I hope all the women in the world would just be confident in their own skin. Because we are all beautiful, we are all loved, and we have a great capacity to love. Also sending this to the guys out there, you are all beautiful and lovely.
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Authenticity is beautiful. For the record, it is not just a cliche statement people have used to comfort people who are perceived not to have it all, it is true and man... it is just true. I've never seen anyone who is just being his/her true self ugly, no matter who they are or where they coming from. I actually find it brave and beautiful. It makes me appreciate the diversity among humans, and the preciousness of each one. I find it uglier (sorry for the word, but) when people try to be who they're not. It makes me puke, it makes me want to go on life coaching them.
Preach, Skate, preach. Hear ya. But seriously, I know I am imperfect and most times I have this little pot of envy boiling within me towards other people who seem to have it all, but then I look back to how I was crafted and I realize that it is vanity and to futility to try to be like someone else because I am from a completely different makeup, with completely different gifts, social circles, upbringing, and all these that piece our identity. Trying to fit in to the point of conforming is a fruit of wanting to be desired, it is ego at work.
It is not sheer incompetence that people copy other people and plagiarize other people's crafts, it is from a high level of insecurity that people try to come up with the same stuff other people already came up with. It is a declaration that they don't know who they are or what they can do, they just end up going through the same thing other people have already done--thinking they would be liked better using other people's intellect under their names.
It is not merely jealousy that people try to beautify themselves the way the society thinks people should be beautiful, it is a mixture of the lack of knowledge about one's personal identity and the lack of confidence on who they really are. Things which if I try to tie up, I would not get to the end of.
Getting admiration and affection from someone is a great thing. It is among our many human needs. But we don't need everyone's approval to fill in that need. What is the difference of getting the greater mass's approval from getting only a handful's, but whose thoughts for the authentic you are authentic feelings--which most likely will last? Big. Sure, it's fun to get all the other people notice and praise you, but at the end of the day, you're replaceable with all the other clones that the society's standards produced. Compare it to being liked by very few people whose affections are deeper and truer, this is definitely priceless. It's the fact of being loved and being found with a worth when you least expect it, when you're in your rawest.
They say there's no new thing under the sun, and how's that? I'm not saying you try to come up with something new. Originality doesn't equate to authenticity. Authenticity is being who you truly are. And there might be others who are like you, and it doesn't mean that you're imitating them just because you ended up with the same interests and style. I'm just saying for you to live according to who you really are. And it's beautiful if we all just stop caring (because sadly, some people will continue judging), but practice the beauty and fearfulness of our inner to outer selves.
I hope all the women in the world would just be confident in their own skin. Because we are all beautiful, we are all loved, and we have a great capacity to love. Also sending this to the guys out there, you are all beautiful and lovely.
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Friday, 4 March 2016
What Am I Doing Today Post
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Ain't it "Hooray-day" because it's Saturday?
I know I should be making the most out of my days off, but today I've been slumping on my bed, watching TV series. Yay. Mostly sitcom. The Big Bang Theory, Brooklyn 99, and can't wait to get started with my other ones stalled. And though this wasn't what I planned (look! I haven't even grabbed my breakfast yet, and haven't even bathed yet), as usual I feel frozen. My big Saturday plan is to get to my laundry, but seems like it's gonna have to wait (and I know it shouldn't because if I'm planning to stay in my dorm for the weekend, I'll have nothing to wear by... later (after I took a bath)). And so, I told myself that I should get-a-moving because I don't wanna ruin the rest of my day by doing absolovelylutely nothing.
And as part of getting started, I am writing this post--which I also have been stalling doing for the last 48 hours or so. Most often, I don't write at the middle of the day, I like doing it early in the morning or late in the evening. But because I have had it postponed until now, here am I. Almost to 11 in the morning, been TV series-ing the morning along, with laundry waiting, with books calling, with other TV series all lined up. I honestly don't know which one to get to first, but seems like I'm gonna have to respond to my tummy first. Yay. Then to the laundry. Then to all the other hobby stuff.
But before them, I'm gonna queue some posts for the later days because that's how I roll. Just kidding, I have quite some ideas I wanna share with the few passersby, and I don't wanna forget about them.
I don't know why I'm doing this post even, it's not me to overshare my usual day activities (and since very few read them, I think those few might be interested... or not). No, I'm doing it because I just want to write it. I feel like doing so, and as far as it may be from my comprehension as to why... okay, gotta start with what I said I'd get started with.
Friday, 26 February 2016
2 27 16
Two days to the third of the sixteenth
Way beyond my twenty-first
Almost to the twenty-second
= Wondering why it's all circles
With me looping all over the same
Tiring antics of life
= Concluding that ties are the cause
Of the most exhausting emotions
In living this existence
= Escaping what's in front of me
Thinking that I could do better
Have I been granted wings
(With the ability to direct the
way the air blows)
= Breathing in gaps and in depths
Thrusting my diaphragm for air
Because I am falling short of it
= Wishing that everything is reversible
Or convertible at the very best
That things could be more acceptable
Way beyond my twenty-first
Almost to the twenty-second
= Wondering why it's all circles
With me looping all over the same
Tiring antics of life
= Concluding that ties are the cause
Of the most exhausting emotions
In living this existence
= Escaping what's in front of me
Thinking that I could do better
Have I been granted wings
(With the ability to direct the
way the air blows)
= Breathing in gaps and in depths
Thrusting my diaphragm for air
Because I am falling short of it
= Wishing that everything is reversible
Or convertible at the very best
That things could be more acceptable
Monday, 15 February 2016
Fifteenth of the Second of the Sixteenth
as the new day is being given birth to
that which had never been yet
I want to savour the melancholy of the dark
to get hazy with music
and to watch the night die down
and wait the morning arising
to be in words
to be the words
and to feel beauty
in being nothing
to love the conjunctions of time
those which are unnoticed but exist
the wee hours passing
the day will have been completed
and this moment forgotten
but at least I had it
and I have been part of its moving stillness
as the new day is being given birth to
that which had never been yet
I want to savour the melancholy of the dark
to get hazy with music
and to watch the night die down
and wait the morning arising
to be in words
to be the words
and to feel beauty
in being nothing
to love the conjunctions of time
those which are unnoticed but exist
the wee hours passing
the day will have been completed
and this moment forgotten
but at least I had it
and I have been part of its moving stillness
Sunday, 14 February 2016
Why Being Single Doesn't Bother Me (Not That Anyone's Asking)
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Looking at the world... and the people taking selfies. |
In the past, it's always me being amazed at myself on how I managed to live a life not getting affection in that manner. But today, or at this moment in my life, I am sincerely grateful I am single. Seriously. And though there are lotsa posts about the perks of being single and how to enjoy the single life that I could have just reblogged, I want to write about my personal joys on being single.
1. I am completely on my own.
When deciding upon matters, I don't have to depend on anyone or to wait for someone's approval just so I could do it. I mean, I know that other couples give each other the freedom to do whatever in the world they want to do separately, but I find it a comforting feeling to realize I don't have to inform anyone (of course, my mom is forever the first audience to my decisions) that I'm gonna be out there and do something. It feels really good. I mean it's really definitely sweet to have someone committed to taking care of you, but at this age, I am enjoying the freedom I have been born with.
2. I don't have another person to consider when making decisions or going anywhere.
Yea, enjoying this decision-making spree. But what I mean this time is that I don't have to think if I'm gonna hurt someone or I don't have to consider how I could spend time with the supposedly-(but non-existent)-special someone. I think that context I am coming from here is the fact that my "job" has this description of being always on-the-go. And it's a lesser hassle having nobody else to be far from, another person to say goodbye to everytime I have to go, another person to go back to (awww, that last one is definitely making an appeal contrary to the theme of this post), etc.
3. No other person to argue with
Life is enough with all these hassles and tangles, and stuff. I mean I don't feel bad about it all, it's completely and acceptably inevitable. But it's really a great relief not having anyone else in that tangle. Imagine: it's more than enough facing disappointments relative to loved ones and career and everything else, and adding just one more person to involve in the craze! Well, it sounds negative here, but it is apparent, and I am not gonna lie that I am not ready to have anyone else in yet. I mean, I'm not ready to put up with another person, to roll eyes to another one, to have to defend myself to another, to have to listen to his own defenses... I mean, AT THIS TIME. Especially that this stage is the figuring-out stage for me. I haven't figured myself out completely yet, I mean enough to have to figure out someone else already. So, it is a safe time for me and the guy about to come not to meet yet.
4. Figuring myself out is way easier.
Connected to my earlier point, I am figuring out a lot of things about me lately. I have been going on in this getting-to-know-me stage, and it can be really painful and fun at the same time (but more of in the painful side). I feel like I am being groomed to become a woman. It is a good thing to find out how I can be comfortable in being with myself. I don't have to rely to a significant other and find my identity in him. This is high time for me to enjoy what I'm made of, and even to discover those things about me that haven't been revealed to me yet. It's a crazy ride, and it's good I'm doing it solo. Really.
5. Time is all mine.
It may seem but a selfish thing to be so glad about having it all (decisions, life, time) mine. But it is even more selfish to have to include someone else when you cannot be all out in giving everything yet. See? I can read books, watch movies/series, write, meet with friends, opt to ignore messages, explore life, etc (I think this is the basis for most of the Enjoy Single Life articles and blog posts), without having to think of failing to attend to my commitment with that love of mine. And it is a lovely thing to be comfortable on being on your own. And just the thought of it makes me want to hooray with an "I can live on my own, like this forever" drama.
Basically, I am grateful because I am not in a relationship while I am not ready yet. And it's a good thing. I think that it is something that single women should rejoice upon. That they're not given the load they're not up for yet. Sometimes I think that girls who are desperate to be in a romantic relationship are those girls who shouldn't be in it yet. Or even guys. Thinking that having someone show you affection is what can satisfy you might prove that you have to learn how to comfortable with yourself first. And so, enjoy. It is not an easy task evolving into a more matured human, and so, as the days are still ripe: enjoy, seize the moments, and get the most out of life.
May you experience grace and love of Christ that surpasses anything anyone else could give you! Happy hearts day! Enjoy Love.
being single,
Valentine's Day,
Wednesday, 10 February 2016
02 10 16
I hope I would be more gathered, or more chaotic--located somewhere compelling me to ache for expression. I hope there would be more words, or a greater passion for more words. It has been my desire to create and in creating, inspire. But the flesh has devoured the best of me. I'm being trampled down by complacency, to go as the flow leads me on, to forget the fire to stand for the things I love doing. I'm asking myself to let some things dear to me go. I have been rude and unfair, denying myself from comfort that brings me closest to my Foremost. The world has been piling my blanks up with thoughts of what I must be occupying myself with, gradually losing my amour for things that blow me away. I hope I could do away with the pseudo-comforts which are of no utility to mine soul. I hope I would dare myself for something more. I hope I would live to see my hopes in reality.
Tuesday, 19 January 2016
I hope humans would be more honest to me
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Describe a daze and what it is about
Tell me a thing or two about thoughts
Is it just human nature or human frailty
But I am all torn and confused by you
Speak with your eyes beholding mine
Because honesty is still what honors me
Say it despite that it will pierce through
Or maybe you can hardly do as asked
Afraid, that it will turn to define you
What's got you tongue-tied and hesitant
Your words for me are heard by the air
I am listening and open to rebuke
Just speak it to me, just... speak it to me
Friday, 15 January 2016
Exponential Epilogues
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Quite unsure if I should ink my current state
Because then I know I would mark a slate
Leaving another proof of a clenched heart
So broken and confused, so behind and apart
Once I was in a journey of uncertainty
That which destroyed all tranquility
Of a heart so young and full of wonders
That which got stormed and rained with thunders
I resolved, "This shall not be lengthened
Behind, I shall leave it no more opened"
And so, I walked, as if enthusiastic, away
To find myself back there in that same day
Matter I may not ever to you I care not
All I ask is for you to spare me from that slot
I deserve a new day and a year beyond
You deserve a life, free from this mistake's bond
Sunday, 10 January 2016
So, this year started with me sulking out of reluctance to get back to work and life as usual. It isn't that I don't like my work (because I really do love it), it's just that I don't wanna work, generally speaking. Or, I don't wanna life, in short. There are times when I feel like saying "I am so done with everything" just because... I am. But I know well enough what could bring me back to life--action. That which I don't wanna take up.
But because I am supposedly organizing something, I needed to defy my slacker self and take that leap out of my comfort zone (watching movies and series, reading books, napping). That was just this week that has passed. And because of that, I'm back to life. Excited for it even. And I realized that everything is just a cycle with different decorative moments. You get tired and fired up and tired again and fired up for another moment before getting tired again.
Does life has a solution to its own absurdity? Uh, well, I guess everything starts in the mind. There was this question that keeps popping out of my books (because it's written in a bookmark), that says "What are you living for?", and unless answered, you would live your life demotivated over everything and anything because you don't know where you're headed to.
I know very well what my answer to that is. But is it possible that you can get tired of yourself just because of you wanting to live like the way you want to? It's just that I find myself absolutely weird most times. I have this great great vision that involves not just myself but the entire humanity (yea, I'm that kind of dreamer), and there are times when I find myself just falling apart because of that. Maybe the greatness of my vision sometimes makes me wonder.
But pondering upon things makes me rediscover that these things aren't all mine to begin with. My life, my vision, my time. I should be reminded that I am not living for myself anymore, and when I decided to take leaps of faith that brought me here, I decided to be ready to the pains and numbness that may be brought forth before me. It isn't the absurdity of having a Creator who predetermined all else. It is the beauty of it. Most times, I find the wonderfulness of not being the one who owns everything I have, and just being the steward of it. I am answerable before the Owner, but I can be rescued by Him.
At times when I feel like I am just a moment passing into cycles, I have to remember that cycle as it may seem, this life has its own end--a defining conclusion to everything that has revolved and rotated as I breathed. This life isn't for me anymore. My breathing isn't for me anymore. Never mine in the first place. I was entrusted to handle it, and and it's up to me how I live it. And at the end of it, when the Owner asks me how I lived it, could I look Him in the eye and say, "Well, did I live it."?
But because I am supposedly organizing something, I needed to defy my slacker self and take that leap out of my comfort zone (watching movies and series, reading books, napping). That was just this week that has passed. And because of that, I'm back to life. Excited for it even. And I realized that everything is just a cycle with different decorative moments. You get tired and fired up and tired again and fired up for another moment before getting tired again.
Does life has a solution to its own absurdity? Uh, well, I guess everything starts in the mind. There was this question that keeps popping out of my books (because it's written in a bookmark), that says "What are you living for?", and unless answered, you would live your life demotivated over everything and anything because you don't know where you're headed to.
I know very well what my answer to that is. But is it possible that you can get tired of yourself just because of you wanting to live like the way you want to? It's just that I find myself absolutely weird most times. I have this great great vision that involves not just myself but the entire humanity (yea, I'm that kind of dreamer), and there are times when I find myself just falling apart because of that. Maybe the greatness of my vision sometimes makes me wonder.
But pondering upon things makes me rediscover that these things aren't all mine to begin with. My life, my vision, my time. I should be reminded that I am not living for myself anymore, and when I decided to take leaps of faith that brought me here, I decided to be ready to the pains and numbness that may be brought forth before me. It isn't the absurdity of having a Creator who predetermined all else. It is the beauty of it. Most times, I find the wonderfulness of not being the one who owns everything I have, and just being the steward of it. I am answerable before the Owner, but I can be rescued by Him.
At times when I feel like I am just a moment passing into cycles, I have to remember that cycle as it may seem, this life has its own end--a defining conclusion to everything that has revolved and rotated as I breathed. This life isn't for me anymore. My breathing isn't for me anymore. Never mine in the first place. I was entrusted to handle it, and and it's up to me how I live it. And at the end of it, when the Owner asks me how I lived it, could I look Him in the eye and say, "Well, did I live it."?
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