Saturday 24 January 2015


I woke up to the feeling of familiarity.
To a scent that reminds me of a past I am trying to do away with. 
It was once the scent of waiting, the scent of anticipation... it was the scent of falling.
Now, all that it is is the scent of longing, the scent of losing, and the scent of forgetting.

The surface of the scent is that of a Sunday laundry--of a soapy mixture. 
But along with it, is a reminder of what once was.
Along with it are the memories associated to the things that will never be.

And what follows the reminiscence is the wish that I would never smell this scent again. 
Or that when I do, the memories wouldn't come along with it anymore.

I never thought that there could be a scent that could break a heart. 

Friday 2 January 2015

On the second

The roads just passing through
People hurrying about

The heart splitting in two
Between the city and the town

Skull cracking from the travel
But things are yet to be done

Praying all things be well
As I rested and had fun

Life is unfolding back again
While away the rest is slippin'

I say "Let things just happen,
Bring it on wild, lovely 'Fifteen"